Derma Advance

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Telogen Effluvium

Discover effective treatments for telogen effluvium at Derma Advance. Learn about its causes, symptoms, prevention tips, and advanced therapies for hair restoration.

A girl suffering with telogen effluvium, she is crying because her hair is shedding.

What is Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen effluvium is a reversible condition causing excessive hair shedding due to stress, illness, medication, or hormonal changes, disrupting the hair growth cycle.

Telogen effluvium occurs when a significant stressor causes a large number of hair follicles to enter the telogen (resting) phase prematurely. This results in excessive shedding, noticeable several months after the triggering event.

Common triggers include childbirth, surgery, severe illness, emotional stress, and certain medications. Hair loss is diffuse, often without scalp visibility changes, and typically resolves within 6-12 months after addressing the underlying cause.

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A girl suffering with Telogen Effluvium she is pulling hair out of her hair brush.

What Telogen Effluvium looks like?

Symptoms of Telogen Effluvium

What are the Symptoms of Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen effluvium presents as sudden, diffuse hair shedding occurring months after a triggering event. Hair loss is noticeable during hair washing, brushing, or styling, with increased shedding affecting scalp hair density.

Stressors disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, causing more hairs to enter the telogen phase prematurely. This results in thinner hair volume and reduced scalp coverage over time, though hair follicles remain intact.

Management involves identifying and addressing the underlying trigger, promoting healthy hair regrowth through balanced nutrition, stress reduction, and, if necessary, medical intervention to accelerate recovery.

  • Excessive Hair Shedding

    Noticeable increase in hair shedding during routine activities like washing, brushing, or styling, indicative of telogen effluvium.

  • Reduced Hair Density

    Gradual thinning of scalp hair due to premature entry of hair follicles into the telogen phase, resulting in diminished hair volume and coverage.

  • Scalp Hair Loss

    Diffuse hair loss across the scalp without distinct pattern baldness, commonly triggered by recent stressors or medical conditions.

  • Delayed Hair Regrowth

    Slower than usual hair regrowth following a telogen effluvium episode, despite resolution of triggering factors, requiring patience and supportive care for recovery.

  • No Scalp Visibility Changes

    Absence of visible scalp exposure or bald patches despite increased hair shedding, distinguishing telogen effluvium from other hair loss conditions.

  • Hair Texture Changes

    Alterations in hair texture, such as increased brittleness or dryness, accompanying telogen effluvium episodes due to disrupted hair growth cycles.

Diagnosis of Telogen Effluvium

Diagnosing telogen effluvium involves evaluating hair shedding patterns, conducting a thorough medical history review, and ruling out other causes of hair loss to guide appropriate treatment strategies.


Hair Shedding Patterns

Assessing sudden, diffuse hair shedding occurring months after a triggering event, distinguishing telogen effluvium from other hair loss conditions with distinct pattern baldness.


Medical History Review

Comprehensive review of patient history, including recent surgeries, illness, emotional stressors, or medication changes potentially triggering telogen effluvium episodes.


Scalp Examination

Dermatological evaluation of scalp health, hair follicle condition, and presence of miniaturized hairs indicative of telogen effluvium, guiding diagnostic assessments and treatment planning.


Trichogram Analysis

Microscopic examination of hair shafts and follicles to assess hair growth patterns, follicle health, and stages of the hair growth cycle in telogen effluvium patients.


Hormonal Assessment

Testing hormone levels, including thyroid function and reproductive hormones, to identify hormonal imbalances contributing to telogen effluvium and guide targeted treatment approaches.


Scalp Biopsy (if needed)

Surgical procedure to obtain scalp tissue samples for microscopic analysis, aiding in diagnosing telogen effluvium and ruling out other scalp conditions affecting hair health.

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Meet Our Expert Telogen Effluvium Specialists

Dr. Divya Thakur
Dr. Divya Thakur is an Expert Dermatologist. She is a Gold Medalist and has achieved MBBS, MD, DVL.
Dr. Aditi Singh
Dr. Aditi Singh is our expert Aesthetic Physician and she has 4 Years of Experience.
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Treatment of Telogen Effluvium

How is Telogen Effluvium treated?

Treatment strategies for telogen effluvium focus on identifying and addressing underlying triggers to halt excessive hair shedding. Supportive care includes optimizing nutrition, managing stress levels, and discontinuing offending medications if applicable.

Topical minoxidil may be recommended to stimulate hair regrowth and prolong the anagen (growth) phase of hair follicles. Supplements like biotin and iron support hair health, while lifestyle adjustments promote overall well-being and hair recovery.

Severe or persistent cases may benefit from dermatological evaluation for targeted therapies like corticosteroid injections or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to expedite hair regrowth and restore hair volume.

  • Topical Minoxidil

    FDA-approved solution applied to the scalp to promote hair regrowth, prolong the anagen phase, and reduce excessive hair shedding in telogen effluvium patients.

  • Nutritional Supplements

    Oral supplements like biotin and iron to support hair follicle health, enhance hair growth, and address nutritional deficiencies contributing to telogen effluvium.

  • Stress Management

    Techniques and therapies to reduce stress levels, mitigate cortisol effects on hair follicles, and promote recovery from telogen effluvium-triggered hair shedding.

  • Medical Evaluation

    Dermatological assessment to identify underlying medical conditions or hormonal imbalances contributing to telogen effluvium, guiding targeted treatment approaches.

  • Lifestyle Modifications

    Adopting healthy lifestyle habits, including balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, to support overall well-being and optimize hair regrowth in telogen effluvium recovery.

  • Advanced Therapies

      • Specialized treatments such as corticosteroid injections or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to accelerate hair regrowth, restore hair density, and improve cosmetic outcomes in severe telogen effluvium cases.

Causes of Telogen Effluvium


Physical Stressors

Major physical stress events like childbirth, surgery, or severe illness that induce a telogen effluvium response, causing temporary hair shedding and thinning.


Emotional Stress

Emotional stressors such as grief, anxiety, or significant life changes that impact cortisol levels and trigger telogen effluvium episodes in susceptible individuals.



Prescription medications known to cause hair shedding as a side effect, including chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants, and anticoagulants, contributing to telogen effluvium onset.


Hormonal Changes

Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as postpartum hormonal shifts or thyroid disorders, disrupting the hair growth cycle and leading to telogen effluvium-related hair shedding.


Nutritional Deficiencies

Inadequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals crucial for hair follicle health, including iron, biotin, and zinc, contributing to telogen effluvium development and hair loss.


Chronic Illness

Long-term medical conditions or systemic illnesses that disrupt metabolic processes, weaken hair follicles, and trigger prolonged telogen effluvium episodes requiring comprehensive medical management.

How to Prevent Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen effluvium is a reversible condition causing excessive hair shedding due to stress, illness, medication, or hormonal changes, disrupting the hair growth cycle.

A girl suffering with telogen effluvium, she is looking at her hairbrush which is full of her hair.

Proactively managing stress through relaxation techniques and stress reduction therapies is crucial in preventing telogen effluvium episodes triggered by emotional or physical stressors.

A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports optimal hair follicle function, while avoiding crash diets or drastic weight changes prevents nutritional deficiencies that contribute to hair shedding. Consultation with healthcare providers before starting new medications reduces the risk of drug-induced hair loss, ensuring comprehensive hair health management and prevention strategies.

Personal Awareness

Prevention starts with awareness. Having a basic knowledge of your body and being alert to any changes in it is crucial.

Regular Checkups

Regularly Checkups at reliable dermatology clinics like Derma Advance can help you detect any potential conditions beforehand.

Our Services at Derma Advance not only combat health conditions like Telogen Effluvium but also help you maintain your glowing healthy skin & hair! Select from a wide range of our services!

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